Great Demo!
Upcoming Webinar – The Science of Doing Discovery
Great Demo!'s Peter Cohan will be joining the fine folks at Demoleap to discuss more about the Doing Discovery methodology, and how Demoleap helps to ...
Discovery Is a Journey – But with Major Destinations
Many people note, correctly, that “discovery is a journey” and that “discovery should be ongoing…” I’m in violent agreement! AND There needs to be clear ...
Upcoming Great Demo! Public Workshops – Early September
Sharpen your saw for the Fall, Winter, and beyond! Public Workshops are perfect for individuals or small teams: EMEA September 6-8 (Virtual) North America September ...
What is Lead Churn?
Have you ever reached out to a vendor to learn about an offering – and been refused? Have you ever clicked the “Book a Demo” ...
How Buyer Enablement is Changing Discovery – DEMOFEST Silicon Valley Presentation
Great Demo!'s Peter Cohan will be joining DEMOFEST in Palo Alto in person for this 55-minute presentation on Wednesday August 31 at 2:00 PM.
Vision Generation Demo Challenge
If you had only 4 minutes with a prospect and had to choose only 3 screens to show from your software for a particular job ...
Demostack Road Show 1-Minute Discovery Snapshot
“The most common issue that sales teams struggle with? Discovery. Peter Cohan breaks down how to best understand the other side's point of view.”
Two Presales in a Pod – What Is Lead Churn?
In which we explore stories of the horrors of “Lead Churn” (and some solutions).
What Do You Think About This Approach?
Here’s an email I received recently (slightly redacted to protect identities) – what do you think about this approach to offering a demo?
Upcoming Great Demo! Public Workshops
Sharpen your saw for the Fall! Great Demo! Public Workshops are perfect for individuals or small teams:
Poll on Buyer Experience: Please vote!
What has been your involvement in a buying process for enterprise B-to-B software?
Great Demo! Resources Pages
Explore the wealth of tips, ideas, articles, blog posts, webinar and podcast recordings on the Resources Pages at
Webinar Recording: Storytelling and Demos
What makes an engaging story? How do you use stories in your demos in a way that connects to your audience?
Webinar Recording: Rescue From the Tyranny of Traditional Demos
You may be suffering from the tyranny, the terror, and the trap of traditional demos...
Could Your Demos Be Better?
Consider this a checklist and identify where you could do better...
Great Demo! and the PreSales Collective/PreSales Academy
I am sad to report that I have terminated my partnership with the Presales Academy and the Presales Collective. I do not agree with their ...
Lead Limbo? – Burning Presales Podcast
ow do you qualify good prospects and deal with people 'just browsing'?
Burning Presales Podcast – Discovering Discovery
What exactly is good discovery and why is understanding it so important?
Paul’s Practical Presales Partnering Principles – Pragmatic, Practiced, and Proven!
Great Demo!’s Paul Pearce joined Patrick Pissang for this impromptu, but extremely insightful discussion of real-life presales-sales partnering. There are some really excellent ideas here!
The Content-Free Buzzword-Compliant Vocabulary List
“Our powerful software is flexible, intuitive, easy-to-use and integrates seamlessly with your other tools. Robust and scalable, your organization can enjoy the benefits of ...
Upcoming Webinar: A Perfect Demo Environment – Revealed!
We’ll be exploring: Stop Apologizing, Include Problems, Don't Call It a Demo, Personalize, Customize!
Upcoming Webinar: Are You Using No-touch, Low-touch, and Ignition Demos to Your Advantage?
Ignoring passive “just browsing” buyers may cause you to jeopardize tomorrow’s prospects...
DEMOFEST 2022 Sessions Recordings – Full Access
Good news! The fine folks at Consensus have made all of the DEMOFEST sessions easily accessible here, whether you registered previously or not.
Possible Presales Job Titles of the Future (and Some Current)
Here are a handful of presales job titles and functions that we might expect to see in the future...
Presales: Moving from Renaissance to Enlightenment
We are moving into an Age of Presales Enlightenment, where decisions are based on real data.
Upcoming Great Demo! Public Workshops
Take advantage of the typical summer business slow-down to sharpen your saw!
Listening to Your Customers – What Do You Hear?
Sales and presales, in particular, are key conduits of customer needs to product teams. I’m curious: how granular, or perhaps how complete, is that communication?