Upcoming Webinar: Are You Using No-touch, Low-touch, and Ignition Demos to Your Advantage? - Great Demo

Upcoming Webinar: Are You Using No-touch, Low-touch, and Ignition Demos to Your Advantage?

Ignoring passive “just browsing” buyers may cause you to jeopardize tomorrow’s prospects.

Thursday June 23 at 10:00 AM Pacific – Register here https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/register/pdaysthu

Great Demo!’s Peter Cohan will join MercuryGate International’s Karen Oxenford-Melcher and Omedym’s Greg Dickinson for this discussion of:

  • What is an Ignition Demo and how does it help both the buyer and the seller?
  • How MercuryGate progresses buyers from no-touch and Ignition Demos delivered on the Omedym platform to more effective high-touch Great Demos!
  • MercuryGate’s success with demo technology for no-touch and low-touch engagement
  • How the digital demos give you more time to utilize Great Demo! methodology

You’ll walk away with a concrete plan on how to save time and focus on qualified “high touch” demos that help close deals. Don’t miss out on the spark needed to engage early-stage prospects in the buying journey.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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