A Simple Test for Discovery Skills: How Do You Rate? - Great Demo! and Doing Discovery

A Simple Test for Discovery Skills: How Do You Rate?

Yes, really simple! Take a look at your Talk:Listen ratio:

45:55 – If you are here or better (less talking), congratulations! You are at the level found by Gong (and others) as the sweet spot for high performers.

55:45 – You could improve: Dig deeper! Explore impact, tangible value, related pains, culture, and vision reengineering.

65:35 (or worse) – You could definitely improve: This isn’t a discovery call anymore! If you are including a corporate overview or product preso in the call, stop it!

Take a quick look at your discovery call Talk:Listen ratios and see where you stand. And if you’d like to get better, read or listen to Doing Discovery or enroll in a Doing Discovery Workshop!


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