Upcoming Great Demo! Public Workshops - Great Demo! and Doing Discovery

Upcoming Great Demo! Public Workshops

Sharpen your saw for the Fall, Winter, and beyond! Public Workshops are perfect for individuals or small teams:

Our next EMEA Great Demo! Public Workshop is scheduled for November 8-9. This will be a face-to-face event, taking place in Amsterdam. You can find registration information here. Please contact Natasja Bax for additional details.

Our next North America Great Demo! Virtual Public Workshop is scheduled for November 21-23. This will be a virtual event, facilitated over the web. You can find registration information here. Please contact Paul Pearce for additional details.

An EMEA “Level 2” (advanced) Great Demo! Virtual Public Workshop will take place December 4-6. This is planned to be a virtual event, facilitated over the web. Please contact Natasja Bax for more information.

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