How Is “Doing Discovery” Like Bacon? - Great Demo! and Doing Discovery

How Is “Doing Discovery” Like Bacon?

Because bacon complements almost everything!

Doing Discovery similarly complements and improves all sales and presales methodologies:

  • MEDDIC? Oh, absolutely!
  • MEDDPICC? You betcha!
  • Challenger? Uh huh!
  • N.E.A.T.? Yup!
  • Customer-Centric? Oh yes!
  • Sandler? Yum!
  • Solution? Om nom nom!
  • Conceptual? Miller Heiman? TAS? Value? SNAP? SPIN? Strategic? Command? Inbound? Baseline? Gap? Consultative? Yes, indeed!

A tasty match in every case! (And, of course, it is the perfect mate to Great Demo! as well.)

Doing Discovery is the umami to all the sales, presales, and customer success flavors. Add a delicious dash of Doing Discovery to your customer-facing recipes!

(Also true for veggie bacon, of course. Same principle!)

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