Learn by Digging Deeper: Golden Knowledge Dust, Nuggets, Veins, and the Mother Lode! - Great Demo! and Doing Discovery

Learn by Digging Deeper: Golden Knowledge Dust, Nuggets, Veins, and the Mother Lode!

People often hunt for “nuggets” of wisdom. Sadly, people typically don’t uncover real nuggets, but find mere dust and flakes of golden knowledge in most of the posts on LinkedIn and similar vehicles. These often take the form of brief generalizations such as, “Presales people are more trustworthy than salespeople,” admonitions to “be authentic and empathetic,” or non-nuanced statements like “No disco, no demo!”

While potentially intriguing, this dust doesn’t provide much value other than serving as indicators of deeper knowledge that awaits unearthing: real nuggets.

Knowledge and experience nuggets explore topics more richly and begin to provide useful, real-life guidance and advice. Some rarer, larger nuggets lay out the process for change and improvement.

But what if you really want to understand a skill or topic more deeply? What if your specific situation doesn’t fit the dust-size generalizations or the limited information contained in nuggets?

Dig deeper!

Exposing a golden vein of knowledge is the real pay dirt, but it requires more investment to bring it to light. Fortunately, we don’t need to dig tunnels or use dynamite that would be required in our gold mining analogy: We only need to invest ten or twenty minutes to read an article or consume a similar resource.

And, of course, if you follow the veins, you’ll find the knowledge, skills, and experience Mother Lode, in the form of books and training classes. Yes, it takes more time to consume these, but the refined payback is enormous!

Which approach to gathering knowledge will be the most effective for you: Gathering some dust or a few flakes here and there, vs collecting a few nuggets, vs pursuing a rich vein, vs liberating a Mother Lode?

Dig beneath the nuggets!

You’ll find knowledge nuggets, veins, and Mother Lodes on the Great Demo! website Resources pages:

Some Notes:

  • Gold dust particles can range in size from submicron (<1 micron) to 10-50 microns.
  • A natural flake of gold can weigh between 0.07 and 0.19 grams.
  • Gold nuggets are usually considered to be over one gram in weight.
  • Gold veins can vary in size from several centimeters to twelve meters wide.
  • The Mother Lode in California’s Sierra Nevada Range has produced more than 310 metric tons of gold. That Mother Lode is a 193-km-long zone that’s 1.5 to 6 km wide. That’s a lot of gold!
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