Demo Don’t #9  Don’t Describe Your Big Wow! Screens: “Doesn’t that look great…?” - Great Demo! and Doing Discovery

Demo Don’t #9  Don’t Describe Your Big Wow! Screens: “Doesn’t that look great…?”

You’ve been demoing for forty minutes, and you finally get to a big Wow! screen. You say, “Doesn’t that look great?” and then swiftly move on to your next feature. This SAD (Stunningly Awful Demos) approach ensures that your audience never remembers your key messages.

While you have seen that Wow! screen hundreds of times, this is the first time your audience has seen it. Showing that screen for just a few seconds puts your message in the long undifferentiated list with all the other 3000 marketing messages your prospect will see that same day. Good luck!

And do not use the annotation tools online to draw the audience’s attention to the key portions of these screens. That would only make it easy!

Solution? For every key screen that you share, describe, while pointing precisely or annotating, what your audience is seeing, how they would use it to solve their business problems, and how much value it represents for your prospect.

This is #9 of The Stunningly Awful Demos Top Ten List – you can find all ten (plus a bonus) here!


You can find the full set of DO’s and DON’Ts in Great Demo!:


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