Here’s an example of the DIKW progression – contemplate sailing in the ocean:
- Data: The wind is blowing at 30 knots.
- Information: The forecast shows deteriorating weather and there are already large white-capped waves.
- Knowledge: The conditions might be too much for our boat.
- Wisdom: Let’s wait until the winds and seas have abated.
- Additional Wisdom: And in addition to our lifejackets, let’s carry an emergency raft with a radio, food, and water.
- Deep Wisdom: My wife says to me, “How about we fly?”
And here’s an example regarding doing discovery:
- Data: Uncovers and explores pain (Doing Discovery Levels 1-2).
- Information: Uncovers and explores pain, impact, and tangible value (Doing Discovery Levels 3-4).
- Knowledge: Uncovers and explores pain, impact, tangible value, and reengineers vision. Applies these skills to the broad range of prospects across the Technology Adoption Curve, “burn victims,” disruptive and new product categories, transactional sales cycles, and other scenarios (Doing Discovery Levels 5-6).
- Wisdom: Integrates, aligns, and leverages these skills into a cohesive discovery methodology (Doing Discovery Level 7).
Where are you on this spectrum?
Uplevel your DIKW with the Doing Discovery book and training!