Great Demo!
A Perfect Demo Environment
Have you ever said or heard: “Sorry, I don’t have an example like that in our demo system…” “No, we can’t show that workflow ...
What Happens If You Train an AI Engine with…?
What happens if you train an AI engine with poor data? You get Artificial Ignorance! What happens if you train an AI engine ...
Demo Storylines: Journey, Destination, or Both?
There’s a lot of discussion today about storytelling in demos and related sales activities. Many software vendors talk about “The Journey” or “The Customer’s ...
“Supposing is good, but finding out is better.”
“Supposing is good, but finding out is better.” – Mark Twain Just because all your existing customers suffered from X, Y, and Z doesn’t ...
Data – Information – Knowledge – Wisdom: Where Are You on This Spectrum for Discovery?
Here’s an example of the DIKW progression – contemplate sailing in the ocean: Data: The wind is blowing at 30 knots. Information: The forecast ...
Automated Demos Best Practices: Specific Guidance!
“If you automate garbage demos, you’re just sending out lots of garbage!“ It is not simply about presenting a clickstream or a choose-your-own-adventure pathway. ...
Are Your Automated Demos Hurting You? Bad News!
If you automate garbage demos, you’re just sending out lots of garbage! I just returned from DemoFEST West where there was a lot of ...
Suspending Disbelief – Book Prerelease – Are These Stories Any Good?
I’m working on a new book, Suspending Disbelief: A Collection of Sales and Presales Stories (and Lessons Learned). It’s intended to be entertaining and ...
You’re Probably Doing Discovery Wrong—And It’s Costing You Deals!
I joined the fine folks at Austin Lawrence Group for this 34-minute conversation: “Most sales teams think they’re great at discovery. The reality? About ...
Doing Discovery: Two Thought-Provoking Tactics
One of the most challenging aspects when doing discovery is avoiding the impression of an interrogation, and offering quid pro quos is a terrific ...
Heading to DemoFEST West? Stop By and Say Hi!
I’ll be hanging out in the Partners area (Pacific Gallery on the 5th Floor) – please drop by! I’d be happy to chat, answer ...
We Eat First with Our Eyes: With Food AND Demos
How you present software can be as important as what you present. “We eat first with our eyes.” – Apicius On a ...
“Yes, But” = ?
“You’ve got a big fat butt!” exclaimed my roleplay partner Steve, triumphantly. We were at a sales kickoff training session where the speaker exhorted ...
How Are Typical Demos Like an Awful Cooking Class? How Do YOURS Compare?
Imagine you’ve signed up for an in-person cooking class experience… You’ve been told you’ll be following a recipe to create a famous, delicious dish. ...
Data – Information – Knowledge – Wisdom: Where Are You on This Spectrum for Demos?
Here’s an example of the DIKW progression – contemplate crossing a small lake in the winter: Data: The temperature is below freezing. Information: There ...
Are You in Software Presales or Sales? We Need Your Insights!
The fine folks at Saleo are running an important survey of sales and presales demo practices: Please provide your input! Here’s their description: “We’re ...
Lessons Learned Writing Books about Sales and Presales
If you are thinking of drafting a book, or in the process of writing a book, this episode is for you! In this podcast, ...
Can AI Agents Do Effective Discovery?
Can an AI agent evince real curiosity? Can an AI agent show real empathy? Can an AI agent make it a real conversation? Not ...
AI and Humans: Perhaps Not So Different?
Someone recently posted that they “had watched twenty demos” and dispensed advice based on this limited experience. I thought, “Oh, that’s so cute: twenty ...
Lunch and Learn Demos: A Potent Practice
“There are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.” – Mark Nepo What’s in this article for you? How to prepare your Lunch and Learn ...
Signing and Signed Great Demo! and Doing Discovery at DemoFESTx West Coast
Want your copy of Great Demo! and/or Doing Discovery signed by the author? Or would you like to acquire a signed copy while you ...
People Talk about Learning from One’s Mistakes, But…
People are always talking about learning from one’s mistakes, and this is a good strategy. But wouldn’t it be better to learn from other ...
Does LinkedIn Suffer from Brandolini’s Law?
“Brandolini’s law, also known as the bulls**t asymmetry principle, is an internet adage coined in 2013 by Alberto Brandolini, an Italian programmer, that emphasizes the effort of ...
Do You Suffer the Curse of Knowledge?
Far too many sales, presales, and customer success people assume that their understanding of their prospects’ and customers’ situations is accurate, because these teams ...
Which of These Discovery Elements DON’T You Know?
How to Use Discovery Documents The Breadth of the Discovery Space Multiple Prospect Perspectives Wants vs Needs The Three Types of Probes Expansion Questions ...
Eat Your Own Dog Food?
I frequently hear “We eat our own dog food” from software vendors and, while it’ a good thing that they use their own product, ...