New Offering for Remote Demos and Presentations – The Sad (But True) Situation – And What You Can Do About It - Great Demo

New Offering for Remote Demos and Presentations – The Sad (But True) Situation – And What You Can Do About It

Two thoughts:

  1. If your audience isn’t engaged, they won’t retain your message.
  2. We rarely try something new in front of a customer. And that’s the problem!

In spite of numerous blog posts, articles and webinars discussing tips and best practices of driving interactivity over the web, the sad truth is that most people simply haven’t made any changes to their practices.

How many web demos and presentations start with, “Can you see my screen?” – following by nothing but the presenter talking and clicking?

Ask yourself, what do you do?  Are your audiences engaged?

When you ask your audience, “Any questions so far?” how often do you hear “Nope, we’re good…” or the chirp-chirp of crickets in an empty room?

If your audience isn’t engaged, they won’t retain your message.  The challenge is interaction – or, rather, the lack of interactivity.  This needs to improve to be effective over the web!

It will be a while before we can return to face-to-face meetings – so we are offering targeted coaching services to help you (rather dramatically) improve the effectiveness of your remote demos and presentations.

Introducing “Great Connection!” – Remote Demos and Presentations Coaching Sessions

These 90- to 120-minute sessions for small groups will have you connecting and driving interaction with your audiences effectively and confidently.


  1. We’ll introduce and discuss the best practices and tips
  2. And each participant will put the ideas into practice in the session.

We’ll practice:

  • The use of annotation tools
  • Whiteboarding over the web
  • Parking questions over the web
  • Enabling audience members to drive or annotate
  • The Pause button
  • Pre-meeting set-up practices (e.g., checking latency and full screen mode)
  • And (gently but firmly) pushing audiences for feedback and responses

And for those doing webinars or large sessions (with microphones muted):

  • The use of the chat tools
  • Using Q&A along the way
  • Individual unmuting and muting of audience members

You’ll be able to put these skills to terrific use in your very next web demos and presentations – driving interactivity like you’ve never seen before!

Great Connection! Pragmatics

  • We’ll use the tool you typically use (e.g., Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeeting).
  • Group size is limited to 8 participants per Great Connection! session.
  • Duration is 90-120 minutes (plus 10 minutes of set-up).
  • Pricing is $475 per session.

Contact us at to book a Great Connection! session right away – and get jump on your competition (because everyone is going to want this)!


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