I joined Tony Moze for this 59-minute exploration of:
- The origin stories behind Great Demo! and “Do the Last Thing First”
- The value of “Get to the point…” and BLUF
- Scientific journal article writing and how it applies to Great Demo!
- Demos and theatre, trust and credibility
- Mapping your delivery to your prospect’s various players
- Demos with multiple personas or job titles
- The spaghetti demo
- Personalities and demos
- Interviewing for presales positions
- Victims of momentum
- Demo skills improvement: small increments vs major step-change
- Problem awareness vs willingness vs making actual change
- Presales breadth of roles vs specialization
- Highly effective and inspirational teachers
- Color blindness and software
- Presenting to non-native English speakers
- Who should read Great Demo!
- Go be a prospect
- Entertainment and demos
- Facts vs analogies and metaphors vs stories
- Elements of storytelling and demos
- Proof of the power of story telling
- Demos via a napkin
- Using customer success stories in demos
The introduction consumes the first 2.5 minutes of the podcast; the trouble begins at the 3-minute mark.
You can find the podcast here. Enjoy!